Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Wonderful World

Today, I went to play at Disneyland for a couple hours. I perused through Downtown Disney, giggled through 3 minutes on "The Tower of Terror", and sat eating a PB & J while listening to four performers sing oldies songs acapella style.

I watched a group of about 20 people, various ages, all wearing shirts that said the "Smith" Family Vacation 2010. They were snapping pictures, smiling, and enjoying the day. How many millions of people have smiled, laughed, and made beautiful moments because one man dreamed HUGE?

It's amazing to think that all of these various people, from various locations around the globe, could not experience "the magic" if Walt did not pursue his dreams and have the determination to build "The Wonderful World of Disney." He built a business from just an idea, on a piece of land that was just an orange grove. His creativity, imagination, vision, and leadership have gifted so many with wonderful memories and precious moments.

Someone once told me that "we must manifest the un-manifest." We were put on this Earth to bring to it "something" special. To create what has not yet been created. It is our responsibility to reach our highest potential because if we do not, the world is less.

So how can you create a wonderful world?


Anonymous said...

I like this new look...

Created Whole said...

Thanks. It happened kinda by accident. I was playing around and then couldn't get the blog back to the original state. I think it was time for a change anyway!