Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another First

Today we introduced Created Whole Tortillas at Redondo Beach Farmer's Market. It was a wonderful day to start, sunny, clear, and a beautiful 75 degrees (last week was pouring rain). The market is every Thursday morning from 8am-1pm.

We feel so blessed to be part of the Redondo market. Our spot is next to the "Empenada Maker" and "The Crepe Lady." Across the way, Chris sells mango salsa and the best guacomole, which goes so well with tortillas. Jim, the meat maker from Pasadena, shared the dozen tortillas he bought with some of the other vendors, who said, "Those are great tortillas!"

It was a great learning experience for us. We have been wanting to get Created Whole tortillas into farmer's markets, and this is an ideal market to begin in. It's ideal because the requirements for this market are easier for us to meet than compared to some other markets. We believe that the Redondo Market will open up many other opportunities for us, as well as give us a great knowledge base. Recently, so much has been happening with our business, and we truly believe God is behind us. Not only behind us and our business, but in front of us, guiding our steps, our faltering faith, and showing us that He has more in store than we could ever hope to imagine. That He can do "the impossible" with this company.

But that, I will save for another blog...

Till, next tortillas:)

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