Saturday, February 20, 2010

California Dreamin'

A common question you guys ask us is, "How did you come up with the idea of starting a whole wheat tortilla company?" Well, besides tortillas being a 6 billion dollar a year industry, read on, and you will find out.

Brenda started cooking healthy meals long ago. It's a known fact that she made Vegan "hot" and Carob "cool." Obscure health foods that one can now easily find on every grocery store shelf were staples in the Mulder household back in the 80s.

Trendsetter Brenda, whipping up a concotion in some nice duds

Tim was all about having a healthy lifestyle. Fresh air, exercise, water, rest (can we emphasize REST?), and nutrition. He too, helped in the kitchen. Tim and Brenda made a great team!

Jumping for en-JOY-ment:)

When Tim was growing up, he and his older brother, Steve, would have burrito feeds. Tim and Steve love burritos. When they were in high school and college, they would go to Taco Bell and each would order 1 of EVERY item on the menu. (The menu was a lot smaller back in the day, but still...)

Since Tim is a thinker, he figured if he created the MOST amazing, BEST tasting tortilla in the WHOLE world, he could have all the burritos he would want for the rest of his life.

What Tim looks like when he thinks

And that's the shortened version of how the dream was born in the little agricultural farm town of Shafter. Nothing compares to Shafter, and nothing compares to 100 percent whole wheat, Created Whole Tortillas.

California Dreamin' in Shafter Paradise:)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's Called Dedication

How do you start a start-up company when you already have full-time lives?

It's Called Dedication...

Tim: Pilot. Aircraft Mechanic. Church Leader. Daddy. Tortilla Maker.
He's finally flying again...A LOT! I think he said he's flown 24 out of 30 days or something ridiculous. When he's not flying, the planes always seem to need some sort of repair. It's normal for him to be in the shop till midnight. Then, there are the church commitments, and people always over at the house. It's something he enjoys, and it's wonderful. So, is there time left for tortillas? Well, funny thing. He not only can create tortillas, he has this uncanny ability to create time.

Brenda: Nutritionist with 3 part time jobs (does that math even add up? I thought part-time is assumed to be a 1/2 deal). Business owner. Flight Attendant. The glue that holds the family together (that's a full-time commitment in itself). She's been in Salt Lake since February 1, in Flight Attendant training. Tim and I feel a little lost without her. She's shining, getting 100 percents on all her tests. She has 10-12 hour days, and she stays up late every night studying. Graduation is next week. Way to go Mom!

Me: Flight Attendant. Figuring out life (does that count as a full-time commitment?) I'm the one out of the team that has time on my hands, stuck in LA. A great place to be stuck: 75 degree days in February, 2 steps from the beach. I have my road bike, my beach cruiser, my books, and my cell phone always by my side, just in case "they" call. That call, to fly, only happens 4 times a month. Pretty nice, huh? Getting paid for hanging out at the beach. My challenge, is deciding when and how I will dedicate more of my time to tortillas.

This is how 100 percent Dad, Mom and I are behind this company...

It's called dedication when Brenda drives 2.5 hours, leaving at 4am, to get to Redondo so she can help me with Farmer's Market, so I don't have to run the booth alone. And, she worked at the hospital the night before till 11p.

It's called dedication when Tim flys all day, wakes up at 2am, drives down to Redondo to help with the market, and LOVES every minute of being there. And, every time, he even makes me a lunch. (Can I here an Ahhhhh?)

It's called dedication when we approach a potential market and we're told, "There's no space." So, we go back. And we go back. We go back until they say yes.

It's called dedication when people say they don't want to sample a tortilla, and we say, "They're really good!!!" They change their mind to a purchase.

It's called dedication when David takes his time to run the production operation.

It's called dedication when Tim has to fly at 4am, but stays up till 1am because he has to set up the recipe, mill the flour, and make sure that David and I will be able to handle production without him.

Seeing my Dad so incredibly enthusiastic about this company, even through hiccups and stress, is inspiring and motivating. Seeing my mom sacrificing her time to help us grow is an affirmation. Our team is crucial to our success. It's about being dedicated together, encouraging, supporting, and making sacrifices. We know it's worth the dedication.

Small Beginnings